如今LASIK近视激光手术在全球已家喻户晓,LASIK 的发明人霍拉姆·佩曼(Dr. Gholam.A.Peyman)终于在2013年2月获得美国最高科技奖“国家技术和创新奖”,并在白宫接受了奥巴马总统颁奖。发展了几十年的激光近视手术进一步得到社会和医学界的肯定。
President Obama today named twelve eminent researchers as recipients of the National Medal of Science and eleven extraordinary inventors as recipients of the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honors bestowed by the United States Government upon scientists, engineers, and inventors. The recipients will receive their awards at a White House ceremony in early 2013.
National Medal of Technology and Innovation
Dr. Frances Arnold, California Institute of Technology, CA
Dr. George Carruthers, U.S. Naval Research Lab, DC
Dr. Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
Dr. Norman McCombs, AirSep Corporation, NY
Dr. Gholam Peyman, Arizona Retinal Specialists, AZ
Dr. Art Rosenfeld, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA
Dr. Jan Vilcek, NYU Langone Medical Center, NY
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